Happy New Year! :D
Yes, I'm back! WoooHoo!
Hopefully this year I'll get around to updating this on a more regular basis. Don't hold your breath though...
Anyhoo, what have I been up to? You may ask (you might not care, who knows?)
1. Bought some space on a server and with the help of Phil, I am currently in the process of constructing a website which will be used primarily for my artwork (which was all going to go on here many moons ago! Hahaha!)
Only a holding page at the moment, but you can go and bookmark it now! Heeheehee!
2. Not sure if I mentioned it here before (frankly I can't be bothered to go and look) but I also have a page on MySpace. If you're a member of that then feel free to drop by and add me!
3. Er...That's about all worth mentioning actually....If you can think of anything else I could put then let me know.
Plans for 2007
1. Probably be returning to Japan at some point. At a rough guess I'd say around May time again. Would love to go back to Sapporo and maybe Osaka. Or maybe Kyoto. Or Tokyo again...Aaarrrggghhh! I can't decide. Maybe I should just move there.
2. Try and finally get around to doing some of the things that I'd like to do. Not just artwork, but clothing, music, sculpture, soft toys and other 'stuff'
3. Spend some quality time learning Japanese!!! (I'm such a slacker!)
4. Revamp the look and feel of this and my Aliental in Japan blog (http://aliental-in-japan.blogspot.com) Mainly to try and get some kind of uniform look and feel to everything that I do online, but also (in the case of the Aliental in Japan blog) to correct some terrible spelling and some blindingly obvious mistakes that I discovered while checking through a version that I printed up! (>_<)
5. Learn to knit (ok, you can stop laughing...)
I'm sure there was something else on the list but I can't remember. I also can't find the list.