Friday, December 23, 2005

Is it just me, or is everything shit?

Just to end a generally bad week on an even lower note than I thought possible, today on the way home from work I was bitten by a dog!



Thursday, December 22, 2005


Having said a couple of posts ago that I probably won't be making any regular updates to my blog, here I am posting again.

I still have one and a half days left to go at work before Christmas, but find myself sitting here with nothing to do.

So, as I've already consumed about eight cups of tea in a two hour period (and let them work their way through to their natural conclusion - sorry, too much information there) I thought I'd take the opportunity during this quiet period to reflect on the past year with all it's happiness, all it's sadness, all it's trials and tribulations and all of the other completely stupid things that I have done recently without really thinking about the consequences beforehand.

I admit I've made quite a few errors in judgement these past twelve months and most of them could quite have easily been avoided, but hey, I'm only human and we all make mistakes. I just happen to make an awful lot of really stupid ones.

I'd also like to take the time to thank all of my friends (old and new) who for some strange reason, still continue to read this rubbish and give me impetus to commit 'stuff' to…well I was going to say 'paper' but it's not, and I'm kind of stuck for a decent word to use in it's place, but I'm sure you know what I'm trying to say. Maybe.

Anyway, anybody that I've upset over the past year I'd like to say a very big 'sorry' (300pt bold type should do the trick) to and I hope that you realise by now that I'm a complete unthinking arse sometimes, so don't take it too personally.

Anybody that I haven't upset this past year, I'll probably do it inadvertently over the next 12 months. Wait your turn.

Hmmm…anything else…Oh yeah, if you're in the Sapporo area of Japan in early 2006 (sort of February time) and you see a strange looking English guy wandering around looking completely lost, stop and say hello. It's probably me.

I do believe it's time for more tea…


3 hours later...

Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored.


(to emphasize how bored I was this afternoon, I spent a good portion of it attempting to make the previous three lines of text finish at the same point on the page, which was not as easy as I thought it would be)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Can I start today again, as it has been a complete f*ck up on several levels?




Tuesday, December 20, 2005

陽気なクリスマスおよび幸福な新しい年! :D


After a period of extreme business at work and a few days of illness, I'm back!

Yatta! Go me! etc!

Did you miss me!???

No? Oh, ok then :(

Anyway, just a quick post to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a fantastic New Year!!! (Hmmm for some reason the japanese seasonal greeting that was going to go here doesn't appear to display correctly. Bugger)

Don't expect any regular posting over the next couple of weeks as hopefully I shall be having far too much fun to waste time surfing the net, but drop by if you're in the area and say hi you never know I might be online!

What I'll be listening to over Christmas:

American Idiot - Green Day

Cool (Richard X mix) - Gwen Stefani

Whatever else takes my fancy at the time (taking into careful consideration the amount of alcohol consumed in the hour directly before!)

What I'll be looking at over Christmas:

An awful lot of absolute sh*t on TV (just the same as the sh*t that's on TV the rest of the year, but with a Christmas theme)

My expanding waistline

What I'll be eating over Christmas:

Everything (x10)

What I'll be thinking at Christmas:

Ooh, I've always wanted one of them!

What I'll be doing over Christmas:

Planning my trip to Japan! :D

See ya in 2006!

Monday, December 05, 2005


I heard the new single by Coldplay this morning and actually liked the tune (gasp! shock! :o)

Maybe it's because they stole the riff from the Kraftwerk song 'Computer Love'


P.S. Thanks for the cute panda greeting Yuki! :D